Dance Clinic & Wellness
The School of Dance is committed to the safety and wellness of all dancers at the University of Utah. This includes physical safety, mental wellness, nutritional health, and injury prevention. The School of Dance works closely with University of Utah Health and other departments on campus to offer several sports medicine options specific to dance. All resources are free to currently enrolled students. See below for more information related to the team and services they provide.
Dance Clinic
The School of Dance has an on-site Dance Clinic in the Marriott Center for Dance that offers free services to all currently enrolled dance majors. Staffed by Trina Bellendir, Physical Therapist, and Chris Michaels, Athletic Trainer, the Dance Clinic offers the following services:
Injury Evaluations
Dance Movement Screens
Injury Prevention Screens
Injury Rehabilitation
Manual Therapies
Dry Needling
Assistance with Referral to Outside Medical Services as Needed
Current students can book an appointment HERE.
Counseling Center
Any student who wants to access services through the Counseling Center can check out the instructions on their website. There’s an explanation of all of the services and how to access them at that link. The University Counseling Center (UCC) offers free group therapy, brief individual therapy, and couples/relationship counseling. To access these services, students must first complete an intake, which they schedule by calling the UCC (801-581-6826) or by stopping by their offices (SSB 426). The UCC also offers a number of free services that don’t require an intake, including Crisis Services, Quick Care (a 1-time meeting with a clinician), workshops through the S.W.A.M.P. (Skills Workshops and Mindfulness Programs), and support groups. Medication services are offered to students who are in therapy at the UCC. Students can learn about their programs by checking out their website and by following them on Instagram @uofucounseling.
Nutrition Consultations
Nutrition consultations are 45-minute to 1-hour meetings with a nutrition specialist to set individualized nutrition goals, provide nutrition education, and ask questions. Common topics include building well-balanced meals, overall wellness, and pre/post-workout snacks. It is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and learn how to fuel your body for general health and sports performance. Nutrition Consultations are free for School of Dance students!
To schedule an appointment, go HERE. Be sure to select “S.o.D. Dancers Only Virtual nutrition consult” under Service.
Meet the Team
Chris Michaels
Athletic Trainer
Heather Brown
Graduate Student Dietitian
Aubrey Mercer
Graduate Student Dietitian
Other Campus Resources
*In the case of sexual assault, the faculty have a mandatory reporting duty to the Office of Equal Opportunity so the University can provide support for your safety and ensure you have information about your options.