Modern Dance Graduate students navigate making dance during a pandemic with three-part thesis series

Modern Dance Graduate students present a three-part creative series as the culmination of their creative studies at the University of Utah. Each of the events are free and open to the public to experience new art in the midst of a pandemic. 

First in the series, Halie Bahr and Elliott Keller produce an outdoor concert at the Salt Lake City Library Square Amphitheater on November 1st, 2020. Both Bahr and Keller are grappling with the importance of live theater within these unprecedented times. There will be two shows for best practices of COVID precautions, 6PM and 8PM. Masks and pre-registration are required to attend this event; audience capacity is limited to enable physical distancing. 

Next, a live-stream performance hosted by the University of Utah’s Marriott Center for Dance features all three of the graduate student’s work. This event streams online November 19-21st, 2020. Don’t miss the chance to be up-close-and-personal with Salt Lake City dance from the comfort of your couch! A Q&A with the artists will follow the opening night performance.  

Hannah Fischer’s work, tenderly, closes the series with a large-scale screendance installation at The Gateway in Downtown Salt Lake City on December 1st, 2020. Audiences are invited to walk through a 15,000 sq foot warehouse and experience a series of intimate duets with the camera. Tenderly explores the importance and complexity of closeness and touch. Masks and pre-registration are required; audience capacity is limited to enable physical distancing. Showtimes are 5PM, 6PM, 7PM, and 8PM. 


i hope this finds you well


Presenting PDC, a Live Performance for a Virtual World