Student Profile: Bayley Smallwood

Bayley Smallwood, a modern dance major in the School of Dance, wants what many choreographers want in a dance. She set out to make her senior work hoping for a meaningful and emotional dance. In the process of making ‘Caught’, the piece took on a life of it’s own. Instead of finding meaning through emotion or relationships, Smallwood found a piece that she describes as ‘dirty parchment paper’ based in unpredictability and structure. 

‘Caught' premieres this weekend at the Marriott Center for Dance. The graduating class of modern dance seniors present their creative work, demonstrating the creative thinking is cultivated through dance studies. 

To create ‘Caught’, Smallwood worked improvisationally with her dancers to create a visceral dance that operates like a machine. Dancers break out of the group work to solo or duet, but ultimately work together as a unit in what Smallwood calls ‘a world of it’s own’. More than people based relationships, spatial relationships define this piece. The dancers work through quirky impulses, trying to be something they are not, or perhaps trying to uncover some unknown truth. 

In order to create clarity for herself, Smallwood created clear structures that translate as relationships. She hopes the work holds space so other people can find meaning in the abstract structures. ‘Caught’ is arhythmic and has a clear sense of time inside of it’s spatial focus. While watching the work the audience is acutely aware of how close or far the dancers are from each other, sometimes so close they might accidentally hit someone. They also shift in and out of tableaus, allowing time to slow only to speed up again. Time moves at the pace of gestural repetitions, sometimes with a frenzy, sometimes with the ease of a lullaby, never quite stopping. 

With a striking lighting design by junior Eliza Kitchens, ‘Caught’ is a quiet yet driving piece of the Xx: Modern Dance Senior Concert. Showtimes are Thursday at 5:30 PM and Friday/Saturday at 7:30 PM at the Hayes Christiansen Theater, Marriott Center for Dance.

The senior class is hosting a silent auction to raise money for advertising, programs, and post-show reception. They have great items to auction off from donors such as Red Butte Garden, Sugarhouse Coffee, Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company, and many more! Bidding will take place before and after the shows, as well as at intermission. Bring your cash and checks (only), and support the senior class!  Tickets are available in advance here and at the door. 


Diverse Dance Concerts Include International Guest Artist, Local Dance Company Collaboration, and Over 75 Dancers


Xx - Modern Senior Concert 1