Alumni Spotlight: Bashaun Williams
Photo By Dan Mont-Eton
We spoke with Ballet Alum, Bashaun Williams about his experience at the U and life after graduation
When did you graduate from the U?
I graduated from the U in 2011.
Which Program were you in?
I was in the ballet department. While there, I studied Ballet with an emphasis in performance.
What have you done since graduation?
Since my graduation, I have taught at numerous colleges and studios around the country, traveled around the world to perform, and have been a part of Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company.
What was the most valuable thing you learned from your time at the School of Dance?
The most valuable thing i learned while at the U of U was how to be responsible. I was in charge of making my own schedule, showing up to all classes and rehearsals, working late hours in rehearsals, still finding time to complete work study so that I could eat and take care of my health. The list goes on. But that all prepared me way beyond what was needed to survive in the real world. After graduation I was fully prepared to embark on this journey and career of full time dance, knowing exactly what to expect.
What do you wish you had known as a School of Dance student?
I dont think there was anything i can say i wish i had know while i was at the U, because as a student i didn't know anything, and that was perfect because it gave the room i needed to learn and appreciate. And looking back, everything that i did learn has prepared me for this very moment, for where i am today. I am still learning every step of the way so saying that i had wish i had known anything that i know now wouldn't be fair to my growth and to those who have helped me get to this place of understanding.