CALL FOR PROPOSALS- Conference for Dance Science and Somatics Educators (DSSE) with Special Guest & Honoree Irene Dowd

Deadline for Submissions: April 1, 2016
Conference for Dance Science and Somatics Educators (DSSE)
With Special Guest & Honoree: Irene Dowd
August 5-7, 2016
Modern Dance, University of Utah, Marriott Center for Dance

Do you teach dance science, anatomy for dance, dance kinesiology, injury prevention, or somatics for dancers?
Would you like to meet with a group of educators in this area to collectively brainstorm about teaching pedagogy and resources as well as share teaching tips, techniques and content applications to dance technique and somatics?
Please join us for a fantastic weekend during which we will gather together with renowned movement educator Irene Dowd to share insights on teaching dancers.
The conference will include discussion and movement sessions with an emphasis on interaction.

We welcome proposals that address any of the following questions:
• What do we hope to achieve when we teach dance science and somatics to dancers?
• What strategies help dance science and somatics educators teach successfully?
• How can dance science and somatics educators facilitate the transfer of skills learned in lecture and discussion to dancers’ physical practice?
• How should dance science and somatics educators assess skills learned in a dance science or somatics course?
• From what other areas do dance science and somatics educators draw (e.g., motor learning, psychology of sport, nutrition, physical therapy, Pilates or other somatic forms…) in developing their course?
• How can we integrate scientific research findings into somatic practices?
• What research supports or suggests modifications in how we teach the dance science and somatics?
• What is the optimum size for dance science and somatics classes and how can we teach large classes?
• What new trends in pre-professional and college-age student populations might influence changes in how we engage dancers in learning and practicing dance science and somatics?
• What makes a dance science or somatics course successful?

To submit a proposal:
1. Compose a 1 page Position Paper that addresses any of the above questions from your personal teaching experience. You are welcome to address more than one question or to propose another question that you believe will be of interest to the group.
2. Indicate which of the following options best suits how you would like to share your perspective: a) presenting a case study, b) leading a discussion, c) teaching a movement session, d) describing applied research, or e) other (please specify).
3. Indicate which of the following media/venues would you need to optimize the activity you are proposing (may choose more than one): a) projector and screen, b) sound system, c) space in dance studio to move, d) visual aids or equipment (skeleton, therabands, other-please specify).
4. Include the name(s), affiliation(s), address(es), phone number(s) and email address(es) of each
5. Write a brief professional biography (approx. 50-75 words) for each presenter.
6. Save #1-5 above in a single PDF document and attach it to an email to: Pamela Geber Handman ( with “DSSE Conference Proposal” in the subject line. You may submit more than one proposal.

Deadline for Submissions: April 1, 2016


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