Performer Etiquette and Conduct Code

The following are a set of expectations that performers at the School of Dance should conform to during technical rehearsals, performances, and other stage use time not specified. It is not a complete list but should serve as a general guide to conduct. Performers are expected to follow stage manager and stage crew instructions. Adherence to the code may inform the performer’s evaluation or grade.

Performers should sign-in immediately prior to warm-up. Stage management should be informed promptly of any circumstances that might delay a performer.

No rosin, hairspray, body lotion, or other substance shall be used on a performer’s costume, footwear, or skin that contacts the Marley. These substances cause the plasticizer in the vinyl to degrade, and/or change the texture and slipperiness of the Marley, which is hazardous to onstage movement.

Additionally, some individuals are sensitive to fragrances, and it is professional practice to ensure that one’s scent is not noticeable to others.

Performers must attend the performance space safety briefing at the beginning of stage use time and should report safety hazards promptly to any production staff member.

Cell phones and recording devices are prohibited backstage, in dressing rooms, and in the audience. Choreographers may approve recording when necessary for their process.

No talking is permitted backstage, except in emergency. This includes when audiences are not present, in order to set the tone and habit of an appropriate backstage environment. If desired, practice non-verbal support and commendation of your colleagues.

No performer shall move behind the scrim and the backstage wall; the crossover requires performers to exit the theater and use the hallway.

Performers should adhere to best practices in caring for their costume. This includes:

  • Do not eat or drink while in costume.

  • Do not visit any public spaces while in costume.

  • Promptly remove costumes as soon as performance is completed.

  • Follow choreographer, costume designer, and wardrobe staff instructions on caring for costumes.

This policy was approved by the School of Dance Director in August 2023.