
  • Melonie Murray


  • Will Maguire

    Administrative Manager

  • Sheridan Hutchinson

    Administrative Assistant

  • Merritt Mecham

    Marketing & Communications Coordinator


  • Rebecca Aneloski

    Adjunct Instructor

  • Kiri Avelar

    Assistant Professor

  • Melissa Bobick

    Associate Professor
    Recruitment Director

  • Daniel Clifton

    Associate Professor (Lecturer)
    Director of Undergraduate Studies

  • Douglas Corbin

    Professor (Lecturer)
    Music Director

  • Joselli Deans

    Associate Professor

  • Natalie Desch

    Assistant Professor
    Recruitment Director

  • Pamela Geber Handman


  • Eric Handman

    Associate Professor
    Director of Graduate Studies

  • Molly Heller

    Associate Professor

  • Satu Hummasti

    Associate Professor

  • Jong-Hoon (Jay) Kim

    Associate Professor

  • Lynne Larson

    Adjunct Assistant Professor

  • Christine McMillan

    Associate Professor (Lecturer)

  • Pablo Piantino

    Associate Professor
    Associate Director, Production & Season Planning

  • Sara Pickett

    Associate Professor (Lecturer)
    Director of Undergraduate Studies

  • Benjamin Sandberg

    Assistant Professor (Clinical)
    Audio-Visual Specialist

  • Justine Sheedy-Kramer

    Adjunct Associate Professor

  • Maggie Wright Tesch

    Professor (Lecturer)

  • Luc Vanier


  • Maureen Laird

    Associate Professor


  • Vilena Barekyan


  • Emily Bertelli

    Production Director

  • Wayne Coons


  • Makayla Cussen

    Costume Shop Technician

  • Rebecca Johnson

    Stage Manager

  • Clover Kelly

    Costume Shop Technician

  • Christopher Larson

    Costume Shop Supervisor

  • Chris Michaels

    Athletic Trainer

  • Brian Pappal


  • William Peterson

    Technical Director

Graduate Teaching Assistants

Faculty Emeriti

  • Bené Arnold

    Distinguished Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1970 - 2010

  • Ellen Bromberg

    Distinguished Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 2001 - 2020

  • Jacqueline Clifford

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1977 - 1996

  • Abby L. Fiat

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1985 - 2014

  • Sally Fitt

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1976 - 2001

  • Barbie Hamblin

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1966 - 2007

  • Phyllis Haskell

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1987 - 2005

  • Stephen Koester

    Faculty Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1998 - 2019

  • Sharee Lane

    Faculty Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1989 - 2017

  • Conrad Ludlow

    Associate Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1985 - 2010

  • Loabelle Mangelson-Clawson

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1971 - 1998

  • Gordon Paxman

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1959 - 1990

  • Anne Riordan

    Associate Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1972 - 1997

  • Shirley R. Ririe

    Faculty Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1955 - 1994

  • Brent Schneider

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1996 - 2023

  • Jonathan Scoville

    Faculty Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1988 - 2013

  • Linda Smith

    Adjunct Associate Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1991 - 2021

  • Donna White

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1989 - 2016

  • Joan J. Woodbury

    Professor Emeritus
    Years of Service: 1951 - 1998